A Turkish actress, Melisa Sözen, was heard by the police in Istanbul for “Terrorist propaganda”reported, on Monday, February 3, the Turkish media. This because she played the role, in 2017, of a Kurdish fighter in season 3 of the famous French series The legendary office.
According to the DHA agency and the Halk TV television channel, close to the opposition, the 39 -year -old actress was arrested on Monday while she was returning from abroad, at the request of the Attanbul General prosecutor who open an investigation for “Propaganda of terrorist organization”. Melisa Sözen was heard by the police and left free, said the press.
In a declaration, she assured that she had ignored that she was carrying for her role the uniform of Kurdish Syrian combatants of the YPG, which Ankara considers as affiliated to the Kurdistan workers (PKK), armed movement classified as a terrorist and prohibited in Turkey.
Actress in “Winter Sleep”, Palme d'Or in Cannes in 2014
“I played the role of a double agent. The series was not broadcast in Türkiye. I am someone who loves his country and his nation ”, defended the young woman, quoted by Halk TV.
The opposition daily Hürriyetwhich also reported the episode, notes that Melisa Sözen has shot in more than twenty famous series in Türkiye and in the cinema, especially in Winter Sleep From the Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Palme d'Or in Cannes in 2014.
The investigation open against the actress, more than seven years after the shooting of the series, is part of a series of arrests and trials targeting journalists, lawyers, political figures and the cultural and artistic world.
The series The legendary office The daily life of a French intelligence services unit, specializing in the training and immersion of its agents abroad.
Source: Lemonde