The Slovak government published, Tuesday, January 28, an amendment proposal for the Constitution, restricting the rights of the same -sex couples, hardening gender change, and causing national law to European law. Nationalist Prime Minister Robert Fico invoked “The traditions, the cultural and spiritual heritage of our ancestors” to draw up “A constitutional dam in the face of progressivism” and restore “Common sense”.
“We have two sexes, masculine and feminine”defined at birth, indicates the government proposal, taking up the terms used by the American president, Donald Trump, the day of his inauguration. “Sex can only be modified for serious reasons, according to terms which will be fixed by law”specifies the project, reserving the adoption of children only for married couples, with rare exceptions.
During a previous mandate, in 2014, Robert Fico had enrolled in the Constitution that marriage is a “Exclusive union between a man and a woman”. A year later, he had organized a referendum supposed to block the road to marriage for all, invalidated for lack of sufficient participation.
Schools are called to “Teach only” which is in accordance with the constitution. Finally, the proposal stipulates that “Sovereignty” Slovakia on this type of “Cultural and ethical questions” should take precedence over European law.
The proposal has been posted on the government's website and will be the subject of a public debate for a month, before a possible vote in Parliament.
“Divert attention” from the current political crisis
If it is adopted, “It would introduce new obstacles into the transition treatment for transgender people”reacted for the agency France-Presse the director of the NGO Iniciativa Inakost, Martin Macko. And her “Would cement in fundamental law inequalities targeting families of same -sex couples”adds this activist, a “First concrete steps away from the EU”.
For him, the initiative mainly aims “To divert attention” From the current political crisis in Slovakia, Mr. Fico's coalition being under pressure from massive demonstrations to defend the rule of law and reject the rapprochement with Russia.
The memorable world
Test your general culture with the writing of the “world”
Test your general culture with the writing of the “world”
The sovereignist government, in power since October 2023, has already recently announced the end of grants to associations for the defense of LGBT+rights. A minister also denounced an ideology leading to “An extinction of the white race”. In 2022, the assassination of two men in a gay bar in Bratislava by the son of a member of a small far -right party had shaken the LGBT+community.
Hungary neighboring Viktor Orban has adopted similar measures and has been the subject of a European Union infringement procedure due to a law prohibiting since 2021 to evoke homosexuality before minors.
In the past, the primacy of European law, which guarantees freedom of expression and non-discrimination, was called into question in 2021 by Poland, in violation of the treaties according to Brussels.
Source: Lemonde