Monday, February 10 Login

UDo not have adopted law [lundi 27 janvier] In the Senate, the Deplumb bill, in reference to its rapporteur and first signatory [Laurent Duplomb, sénateur Les Républicains de Haute-Loire]weighs heavy threats on our agriculture and our society. With its ambition to leave the field free to pesticide promoters, to the development of industrial farming or even basins, this law, if it was definitively adopted, would have serious consequences on our living conditions, while aggravating the issues that cross the agricultural world. We ask parliamentarians, responsible for representing our interests, refusing the adoption of this irresponsible law. Solutions already deployed by many farmers in our country exist, they are they must support!

Among the proposals of this law is the return of neonicotinoids, banished from hexagon in 2018. Neonicotinoids are particularly toxic insecticides, nicknamed “bee killers”. They are also powerful endocrine and neurotoxic disruptors, the effects of which can be instantaneous and deadly but also chronic.

Some neonicotinoids are 5,000 to 10,000 times more toxic for bees than dichlorodiphenyloroethane [DDT, insecticide interdit dans l’agriculture dans les années 1970],, According to the foundation for research on biodiversity. However, nine years later [le vote en faveur] From the ban on neonicotinoids in France and two years after the derogations of this same ban were deemed illegal by the Council of State, some of these highly dangerous insecticides threaten to return through the big door.

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While the consequences of pesticides on our health and the collapse of the living are no longer to be proven, French parliamentarians must oppose this bill which, under the guise of “Raise constraints to the exercise of the farmer profession”could actually worsen the dead end in which they are.

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Source: Lemonde

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