LA scene takes place in Washington in March 2024, during the last year of the Biden administration. A small group of European experts meet the senior officials of the American foreign policy. A question relates to possible negotiations on the fate of Ukraine. Who would be around the table of talks? The Americans evoke some scenarios: there would be Russians, Americans, Ukrainians, Chinese perhaps … In any case there is no mention of a presence of Europeans in these negotiations, which concern them at first chief. Worse: American officials do not even seem to realize that this forgetfulness could shock their European interlocutors – who, docile, do not seem to seem.
Because we are “with friends”. Democrat Joe Biden isn't he celebrated as the president “The most European” That the United States has given us for a long time? Undoubtedly, it is more pleasant than its predecessor Donald Trump. And, without massive American aid, from 2022, Ukraine would have been swallowed by Russia.
Suddenly, Europe swallows the multiple snakes inflicted by the Biden administration: the Aukus defense partnership, signed with Australia and the United Kingdom, stab in the back of France; The withdrawal of Afghanistan decided without the slightest consultation with the European forces on the spot; Inflation Reduction Act, a gigantic protectionist plan which leads to aspiring European industry in the United States; The hesitant strategy in Ukraine to which it is necessary to fold when it extends the war.
Europeans are not the only allies to undergo this casualness. Japan also experiences it when Joe Biden, just before leaving the White House in early January, opposes the acquisition of the American steel giant Steel by its Japanese counterpart, Nippon Steel, in the name of “National Security”.
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Source: Lemonde