Wednesday, February 12 Login

“Journal under dictatorship” (My. Dnevnik Padeniya), by Dmitry Glukhovsky, translated from Russian by Raphaëlle O'Brien, ed. Robert Laffont, 460 p., € 22.90.

A war has reduced the world to ashes. In what remains of Moscow, the metro houses the last shreds of Russia, like so many invisible companies, scattered, suspended on the edge of the abyss. But what's going on? This is, in broad outline, the intrigue of the trilogy 2033 metro,, 2034 metro,, 2035 metro (L'Atalante, 2010, 2011 and 2015), which made the Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky (or Dmitri Gloukhovski), born in the Soviet Union in 1979, world famous.

A story of madness, death, dream of an incredible renaissance that also tells, in a completely different order, his new book, Dictatorship newspapera collection of news articles written between 2012 and 2023, in which the novelist describes, step by step, a “Fall in a black hole” : the years when the Russian people ended up “Return to himself under the supervision of his chiourmes” By agreeing to enter the world “Lying and illusion” built by the Putin regime.

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Source: Lemonde

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