Saturday, February 8 Login

Flemish conservative chief Bart de Wever officially became, on Monday, February 3, the new Belgian Prime Minister, taking an oath before King Philippe at the Palais Royal with the fourteen members of his government, said a journalist from the agency France-Presse (AFP).

The 54 -year -old leader, including twelve years as mayor of Antwerp, is the first Flemish separatist to take the lead in the federal government in Belgium. He will anchor the country more right with the four partner parties of his coalition.

A unknown remains: the president of the neoflamande alliance (N-VA), a party whose statutes always officially advocate the establishment of a “Independent Republic of Flanders”did he really give up his project? He knows that any progress towards this objective is dependent on a two -thirds vote in the House of Representatives and requires a majority in each linguistic group. So he more realistically advocates “Asymmetrical policies” – Clearly, more autonomy – for regions in the fields of health, employment, trade or economic policy. His party also calls for agreements between the regions for diplomacy, the Belgian regions before, according to him, acquire more weight and room for maneuver on the European and international scene.

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Source: Lemonde

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