Monday, February 10 Login

There were no children at Oksana Soukhoroukova's burial on Tuesday, January 21. However, Oksana loved little ones, and all Kryvy Rih's kids spent by her class loved Oksana. She taught music in this big industrial city in the south-east of Ukraine, but also read poetry, extended its course by drawing sessions. “For the Cossack Day, but also the first and last school days, all the special occasions, it was she who directed the choir “Say his colleagues. They came without their students. The brutal death of a teacher is not made for children.

The tribute takes place in the southern suburbs of Kryvy Rih, at the foot of the concrete building where, on the third floor, lives the mother of Oksana: the former classmates, 45 years like the deceased, the neighbors of the district , the teachers of school 114, a hundred people wrapped, down jacket and filled boots, chrysanthemum or eyelet by hand. The coffin is placed on three small chairs. Open is tradition. When, at the time of the fixed appointment, yet another air alert causes assistance, it does not cille, too crushed by weariness. Daite imprisoned in a scarf, Makedled and Crayous Face of Oksana continues to fix this sky of all dangers.

“You sang so well … Parents should never have to bury their children. »» The noisy grief of Oksana's mother covers the slow Psalmody of the priest and even drowns the bell of the school bell with a wooden handle that accompanies the deadly body, in the direction of one of the cemeteries of Kryvy Rih. His sobs swell again in front of the gaping tomb and won the whole tribute. Another sentry, a bouquet of red roses in hand, but silent, also watches the vault. A handsome strong man, blond with pale blue eyes, stands, as lost and lonely as a little earlier at the foot of the building, without anyone really looking for his company. “My children were just starting to call her” mama “”he confides to us, before discreetly disappearing.

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Source: Lemonde

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