Wednesday, February 12 Login

JOHOR BAHRU: A new “one-stop” enforcement agency aimed at streamlining Malaysia’s border control measures is expected to officially begin its operations on Saturday (Feb 1), with the move expected to minimise red tape and improve congestion issues.  

The Malaysian Border Control and Protection Agency (AKPS) will take over the 114 border checkpoints across the country in stages, The Star reported on Friday.

The first stage would involve some 22 checkpoints – including at the Johor-Singapore Causeway and the Second Link.

An official from Malaysia’s Home Ministry told The Star that the 114 checkpoints across the country include 56 via the sea, 30 via land as well as at 28 airports.

“Sarawak has the most number of checkpoints with 34, followed by Johor (16) and Sabah (14),” the official was quoted as saying, adding that he hopes the one-stop agency may help ease the congestion at the land borders with Singapore with proper command and coordination.

“The agency’s main aim is to be the sole enforcement agency in border control at all our checkpoints nationwide. It will take some time before AKPS takes over all 114 checkpoints nationwide,” the official said, adding that officers are tasked to optimise manpower needs and resources.

Local media reported that Malaysia’s Cabinet had agreed to the establishment of AKPS in April last year.

Among others, agencies involved in AKPS include the police, the Customs Department, the Immigration Department, the Health Ministry, the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Road Transport Department.

Separately, Johor State Works, Transportation, Infrastructure, and Communication Committee Chairman Mohamad Fazli Mohamad Salleh told The Star the AKPS would operate in four locations in Johor from Feb 1.

“We hope the transition will be smooth at both our (land) checkpoints with Singapore.

“The state government hopes this will help ease congestion at our checkpoints,” he said, adding that currently there were more than 20 agencies handling different roles at the Bangunan Sultan Iskandar (BSI) customs, immigration and quarantine complex alone.

“We expect with AKPS all the red tape can be eased especially with regards to coordination and command,” said Mohamad Fazli.

Source: Channel News Asia

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